A Trusted
Steam Specialist

Energy Conservation


Insulation Blankets

Removable insulation covers for valves and flanges are an effective, convenient, and low-cost solution to reduce heat loss and lower energy bills. The pipe and valve insulation line is designed to fit an array of fittings and sizes and can be used on almost any application that requires thermal processing.

UniTherm manufactures standard and custom insulation solutions for all applications including:

  • Valves
  • Flanges
  • Fittings
  • Strainers
  • Pipes
  • Filters and Regulators
  • Pumps
  • Manifolds
  • Sight Glasses
  • DeSuper Heaters
  • Heaters
  • Pressure Reducing Valves
Energy Conservation
More Information

For more information about Unitherm Energy Conservation Products, click here to visit their website or contact us.

Cypress Envirosystems

Steam Trap Monitoring

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an average 15-20% of steam traps are leaking at any given time. Even a small steam trap can lose thousands of dollars per year through leaks.

Most facilities perform a steam trap audit once a year – a time-consuming process that involves sending technicians to manually inspect hundreds of traps at a time. Because of the infrequent inspections, traps may be leaking for many months before being discovered.

The Cypress Envirosystems Wireless Steam Trap Monitor is a non-invasive device that installs in minutes and helps to automatically monitor steam traps for failures and to notify staff in a timely manner to avoid wasting energy.

  • Pager/Cell notification of excursions (catch expensive leaks early)
  • Non-invasive installation: no breaking seals, wireless
  • OPC and BACnet interfaces for integration with existing automation systems
  • Battery life of 3+ years at typical sample rates
  • Optional IP65/NEMA 4 rated enclosure for outdoor use

Energy Conservation
More Information

For more information about Cypress Envirosystems Energy Conservation Products, click here to visit their website or contact us.

Steam Products

Client Testimonial

I have worked with Andrew for a number of years on many successful steam heating and condensate recovery projects in the Fraser Health Authority. I have found him to be an excellent resource on steam systems and he is always willing to share his knowledge. He presented a full day seminar on steam topics to our operating engineers which was well received. Andrew has participated in many BC CHES Trade Shows and has also been a guest speaker. I would not hesitate to recommend Andrew to help you with any of your steam system requirements.