A Trusted
Steam Specialist

Collection of Information

Reyco Sales does NOT automatically collect any personal information about you, other than that which you voluntarily provide if you decide to contact us directly for any reason. Any personal and/or business information provided will be used ONLY for those specific intended purposes, and will NEVER be intentionally given out, sold, or used for unsolicited communications, unless we obtain your permission to do so in advance or are compelled to do so by law.

Our website does NOT use cookies to automatically track and collect personally-identifiable information about individual users. Our website server maintains a standard log file to be used when compiling visitor traffic statistics. This information includes only basic information such as a visitor’s IP address, date/time of access, Web browser used, etc., and does not include sensitive personally-identifiable information.

Occasionally, we will review this log file in order to evaluate traffic levels and sources in an effort to improve our Web positioning and for general administration of our website.


Privacy Policy

This statement discloses the privacy practices for the Reyco Sales website. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online.

Client Testimonial

I have worked with Andrew for a number of years on many successful steam heating and condensate recovery projects in the Fraser Health Authority. I have found him to be an excellent resource on steam systems and he is always willing to share his knowledge. He presented a full day seminar on steam topics to our operating engineers which was well received. Andrew has participated in many BC CHES Trade Shows and has also been a guest speaker. I would not hesitate to recommend Andrew to help you with any of your steam system requirements.